Every year they go over the top with his Co. Party and this year was no exception. It was a Hawaiian theme. The night began when we were greeted with beautiful orchid leis that were shipped in from Hawaii. We were entertained by Hawaiian dancers with traditional cultural song and dance from Hawaii. It was a really beautiful evening. The party committe really captured the look and feel of Hawaii with all of the decorations, music, dancing.
The owners got VERY nervous when the dancers came out with fire torches!!! They were quickly escorted off stage, as we were all sitting under the "fire sprinklers"! Whew! Thank goodness those didn't get set off! All the other dances were really quite beautiful and we went on to have a very nice dinner and enjoy the awards, without incident. It was a beautiful evening.
So guess where I want to go for a vacation? Hawaii! I think it must be a beautiful place and a lovely culture. I hope we get to go one day, I know I would love it. Until then, I'm sure thankful for last night, such a nice evening out and a little taste of the islands.
Congrats to Richard !!! And YES, you must get to Hawaii someday...it is BEEE-utiful !!!!
Congrats to Mr. Reenie!!!!! Sounds like an amazing night. Glad you enjoyed yourself. Maybe we can go to Hawaii together....:)
Congratulations to Rich! 15 years service is a rare thing these days.
If you cant get to Hawaii, I think you got the next best thing for free :) that was a cool idea for the party. Glad you had a nice time
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