I'll be documenting a week in my life next week with a lots of prompts from the wonderful Ali Edwards: http://www.aliedwards.typepad.com/
Join in if you like, everyone is welcome. I will be sharing some of my experience of the process each day. I may even use my blog to document some of the everyday stuff along the way!
My Daily Tasks For The Week:
Take photos.
kid activities
just a few off the top of my head that I want to capture
Upload photos.
I must clean camera card tonight in preparation for this process.
Designate a place for notes.
I have a little spiral note pad that Ramona gave me for my birthday, I think it will be perfect for capturing my notes of the weeke ahead. Thanks Mo, that little pad is the perfect size to carry around in my purse.
Take notes.
I'm going to throw several journaling pens into my purse so I can jot down notes when I'm waiting at practice, taking breaks at work etc.
Designate a place to store life-stuff.
I'm just going to use a huge Ziplock bag for each day of the week. I will label each bag on the outside w/ the date. This will make gathering everyday stuff really simple. The ziplocks will fit easily into my big tote purse. They can be joined together w/ a jump ring at the end of the week of gathering stuff. This way they are organized and ready for the next step in the process.
Sounds like a plan...ready, set, go.....A week in my life!
Join in and document a week in your life! In 20 years you might look back and really cherish these everyday moments in your wonderful life! I know I hope to look back in awe and how I juggled work, home, kids, life......Take the journey with me. It will be fun!
I am getting ready to do this with you. I have my baggies all set out and even a little notebook too. This will be an amazing project to look back on in even just a few short years. :)
I am going to give it a go...a little stressed/nervous about it, but I'll give it a shot :)
Love how you broke it down, Reen! I am so doing this with you!!!!!!
Wow, so much more organised than my piece of A4, a pile of notes in the kitchen and flat batteries for the camera! LOL
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