I've been working my way through this list since last July. I decided that this would be the year that I take steps to do some things that I know will enrich my life. I'm having fun! I wonder if I can get through all 44 of these "things to do"?
1. Relax at the lake - done
2. Plan a date nite - done
3. Read to my kids - done
4. Teach the boys how to fold laundry - ummm in progress
5. Stick your feet in sand
6. Have a Starbucks & Biscotti
7. Get your eyes checked - done (see photo above of me at Sam's tryin on the new specs....ignore the price tag on the side! ha!)
8. Go to Disney - done
9. Cut back to part-time work - done
10. Repaint the cabin - done
11. Sew something pretty - done
12. Send a card to my Aunt in Texas - done...she got an Easter Card!
13. Learn to crochet again
14. Love a new Baby - done....I love Chase!
15. Splurge @ Christmas - oh yeah!
16. Buy yourself flowers
17. Drink Hawaiian Punch - done Yum!
18. See my Sis again - done...I love her!
19. Take Mom to Lunch - done....we love the Olive Garden!
20. Scrap w/ a friend - hey, anyone wanna scrap? I haven't done this one yet!
21. Try 2 Buck Chuck wine :)
22. Teach Typing 101 to Matthew
23. Buy a musical instrument
24. Hug my hubby - always
25. Bake cupcakes for no reason - done
26. Give M&M's to my boss
27. Start a new button jar - done, lots of leftover gold buttons
28. Go to the beach
29. Visit an old friend - done
30. Do something nice for a teacher - done
31. Take a long walk w/ Matthew - done, we walked to River Park
32. Throw a big party - done...fun Easter Egg Hunt and Playdate, my kind of party!
33. Use my handmade quilt
34. Eat off the good China
35. Go to the Nickel Archade
36. Share a banana split
37. Visit the Pet Store - done...on one rainy night
38. Take Grandparents to breakfast
39. Spend a Saturday w/ Deb - done (Happy 50th Deb)
40. Reach out to my Brother
41. Write a letter in cursive and mail it to a friend
42. Take a drive with the top down
43. Tell my Dad that I love him - why does this one have to hurt? :(
44. Eat Cake
What will you do this year?
Awesome list Irene. No. 43 made me well up :(
You look darling in your new specs !!
Hey, I will scrapbook with you and I will bring the 2 buck chuck!! :) 2 more will be crossed off your list!
you look adorable in glasses Irene.
Are these the ones that you got?
Thanks Susan. My last pair was years ago and huge frames. Not the style anymore! weirdness for me...so small!....so Yes, I got these. I ended up trying on dozens of pairs, but kept coming back to these small, dark frames. They are by Elizabeth Arden and just for reading and close up stuff.
You are so cute!!!! I love your list!!!! I will come and scrap with you one day soon...I promise!!!!!!! We can share a banana split and drink cheap wine!! :D
Great list! Looks like you have had a productive year so far. :)
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