I've been working my way through this list since last July. I decided that this would be the year that I take steps to do some things that I know will enrich my life. I'm having fun! I wonder if I can get through all 44 of these "things to do"?
1. Relax at the lake - done
2. Plan a date nite - done
3. Read to my kids - done
4. Teach the boys how to fold laundry - ummm in progress
5. Stick your feet in sand
6. Have a Starbucks & Biscotti
7. Get your eyes checked - done (see photo above of me at Sam's tryin on the new specs....ignore the price tag on the side! ha!)
8. Go to Disney - done
9. Cut back to part-time work - done
10. Repaint the cabin - done
11. Sew something pretty - done
12. Send a card to my Aunt in Texas - done...she got an Easter Card!
13. Learn to crochet again
14. Love a new Baby - done....I love Chase!
15. Splurge @ Christmas - oh yeah!
16. Buy yourself flowers
17. Drink Hawaiian Punch - done Yum!
18. See my Sis again - done...I love her!
19. Take Mom to Lunch - done....we love the Olive Garden!
20. Scrap w/ a friend - hey, anyone wanna scrap? I haven't done this one yet!
21. Try 2 Buck Chuck wine :)
22. Teach Typing 101 to Matthew
23. Buy a musical instrument
24. Hug my hubby - always
25. Bake cupcakes for no reason - done
26. Give M&M's to my boss
27. Start a new button jar - done, lots of leftover gold buttons
28. Go to the beach
29. Visit an old friend - done
30. Do something nice for a teacher - done
31. Take a long walk w/ Matthew - done, we walked to River Park
32. Throw a big party - done...fun Easter Egg Hunt and Playdate, my kind of party!
33. Use my handmade quilt
34. Eat off the good China
35. Go to the Nickel Archade
36. Share a banana split
37. Visit the Pet Store - done...on one rainy night
38. Take Grandparents to breakfast
39. Spend a Saturday w/ Deb - done (Happy 50th Deb)
40. Reach out to my Brother
41. Write a letter in cursive and mail it to a friend
42. Take a drive with the top down
43. Tell my Dad that I love him - why does this one have to hurt? :(
44. Eat Cake
What will you do this year?