Sunday, August 05, 2007

Signs of a Busy Life.....

What can I say, I knew that going back to work would make my life busy....I knew that juggling a full-time job, family, hobby, cabin, house, guinea pig would leave little time for attending to details. The day before we left for vacation, I saw these two things that made me realize..."I need a break". It's August! My calendar still on the month of "May"? It's Summer.....stale peeps from Easter in my cupboard? Yep! It was time for a little vacation.....

Decided to take the boys to Disneyland and it was just what this busy life needed! We enjoyed our time as a family, enjoyed relaxing, fun at the park, fun just being together.

Here's to a great, busy, but fun Summer!

1 comment:

Jennifer Sizemore said...

Oh, yeah - those are good signs you are busy! Glad you got away!