Sunday, July 15, 2007

Friends and a Mini Book

My friend Sally, whom I've known for more than 20 years is in town. She and I go way...way back to the 80's. I'm so excited to get to spend time w/ her. She has two boys that are just about the same ages as my boys and they are getting along famously. Like family! I'm looking forward to impromptu dinners, swimming, just hanging out at the moments notice. I'm really going to enjoy her as much as I can the next couple of weeks while she's around.
This is a little mini book that I made for my Grandma's 94th birthday! I think she might love it.
I dropped her a little note just to tell her that I love her and so do Rich and the boys. Hope it makes her smile!
Have a happy day!


Anonymous said...

very very pretty- I'm sure she'll love it!

Anonymous said...

Cute album! Have fun visiting!

Anonymous said...

So sweet, Irene! :)

Jill said...

Such a sweet album Reen. I'm sure grandma will treasure it always!

Susan said...

Grandma is going to adore that mini album Reen...its so sweet, how can you stand to give it away?
I hope your making one for yourself as well.
BTW; so glad your blogging again:)

JENNY @ said...

such a great book reenie-roo!!!

I'm sure she LOVED it~!