With the start of the New Year, comes a whole new beginning. Yet another opportunity to "get it right". To learn from our past and focus on improving for tomorrow.
I decided to look back to 2006, it was one of the toughest years in my marriage. I think every couple goes through those "tough times" in their relationship, we were no different. I think I learned that year why they make you say, "for better or for worse" in your marriage vows. Things had just gotten worse! I was struggling, we were both at a turning point. This first layout just describes "2006 in a nutshell" . It documents one of the most difficult years we've faced as a couple and how we "turned it over to God" to see us through.
I had a lot of growing to do. It felt like at that point I had hit the end of one chapter as a Mom. My kids were growing and didn't need me in the same ways they always had. I needed to move forward, to seek out a piece of my own identity. I needed time to rediscover myself...a time for change.
My prayer was to let me allow God to be the driver, to lead me in the direction where he needed me. I think he has. I think this series of layouts clearly reflects where I was in '06 and what a difference a year made to me.
In 2007, I found a little part of me again. I became a working Mother and went back to my career in marketing. The part of me that needed to be recharged, was resparked! Having a job took some of the pressure off of Rich and gave the kids a whole new respect for what I was capable of doing. They were all so proud of me and that was a wonderful thing! 2007 was a great year! I think God answered my prayer when he blessed me with a wonderful job that still allowed me to give a piece of myself to my own kids and still help out our family.
I can look back and see that he really tested us and forced us to look at our promises to each other. I found out that by honoring our vows to each other, we honor him. . It was a good lesson...a good choice to let him be in charge of the plan.

Here's looking forward to an even brighter tomorrow, a spectacular 2008!! Happy New Year!!